
What to do and when?

Instructions on what do to and when for managing agents in phase one

The managing agent playbook is a time stamped document published in September 2023. For more up-to-date information please refer to version three of the adoption guide for brokers and carriers.

The timeline for what to do and when. Blueprint Two will be delivered in two phases. At phase one cutover, all firms must adopt the new digital services. 

Phase one prep timeline

What to do and when for different groups of insurers

All insurers will need to do the following:

  • Prepare an adoption plan for phase one now (see Adoption activities to complete by the end of Mar 2024 on the following slides)

  • Testing: The testing will be conducted in two phases: Vanguard testing and individual self-service customer testing. Vanguard will complete early testing and provide early testing results. Respective companies outside of Vanguard can decide what to test. 

  • The test environment will mirror the live systems in functionality to enable a period of self-testing.

  • The testing period does not require active agreement from every market participant to proceed. The programme will not be blocked by a lack of sign-off from all market participants. The testing that the vanguard participants will do will inform the wider market testing, resulting in firms being able to learn and take comfort from like-for-like scenario testing, meaning that testing for the wider market could be more light touch, depending on your own adoption path. Carriers should ensure that they have tested the changes to their satisfaction and that the new services will work with their systems on the market cutover date.

  • Details around the cutover approach for phase one go-live are to be confirmed by Velonetic (previously London Market Joint Ventures) by March 31 2024. Insurers and their vendors will need to familiarise themselves with the cutover approach, once published, and prepare their approach of switching over systems, teams and processes to the new setup over the cutover period.

If you are a member of Vanguard

  • Members of Vanguard will be contacted by Velonetic on an individual basis.

  • The scope of each release will be provided by the Build team.  This will be tested by Velonetic Assurance and the results used to determine the Testable Scope. In parallel, Vanguard will produce the User Journeys that can be tested. These User Journeys will be presented to each Vanguard participant and their test scope agreed. If a User Journey remains untested by any Vanguard participant, it will be highlighted, and a request will be raised to add it to one or more participant's scope.

  • There may be specifics to a market participant that are not included in Vanguard scope. In this case each participant will have the choice to conduct their own testing during the self-service test phase. To facilitate transparency Vanguard will publish test scopes and results. It will be each market participant's responsibility to review the Vanguard scope against their own risk appetite. 

If you are not a member of Vanguard

  • Insurers will be given an anonymised copy of Vanguard’s testing scripts and testing results. However, carriers should ensure that they have tested the changes to their satisfaction so that the new services will work with their systems on the market cutover date.

  • Velonetic aim to provide a monthly update to the market, which will include an updated list of Vanguard members, Vanguard plan and summary of test result (once available). The first publication has been issued to the market by email in Sep 2023. The next update will be published in early Oct 2023 on the new Velonetic website (once the website is ready).

  • Velonetic intends  to run a like for like parallel run test on the new and old systems.  Velonetic currently only have permission to use anonymised production data, and hence will test on that basis.

  • Full details of individual testing will be released towards the end of the year.

If you have an internal broker, i.e. you are a DDMA (Direct Dealing Insurer)

Internal broker processes will look the same as for any broker. Please refer to the process diagrams to assess broker processes and the PRR (here) for broker roles and responsibilities.

What specific adoption activities to complete by end of Mar 2024

EDI message changes

Understand and document your current situation to then allow you to define your future state

  • Obtain a list of supported EDI messages from your Engagement Partner (Refer to Velonetic’s list of supported EDI customisations in Sep to see which ones will be supported).
  • Complete assessment of all EDI messages to identify all non-standard / customised messages (including source system and teams supporting queries). 
  • Engage vendors as required to understand their plans to support message changes within phase one timelines
  • For non-supported EDI customisations, map the full as-is data flow and complete an impact assessment.
  • The critical issue will be how to handle any customised EDI messages that will no longer be supported. 

Make the changes needed to be ready for market self-testing

Should you have any customised EDI messages that won’t be supported, you need to undertake the following steps:

  • Define EDI change approach for different messages.

  • Complete process, people and technology changes to support impacted data flows and processes.

After which you have two options to consider to resolve the situation:

Option 1 (Preferred): Engaging with your system vendors to make a change to enable them to accept the new messages. This may be a non-trivial change and potentially require major version upgrades. Remember to include internal and external vendors for your PAS, CAS and any other systems that receive EDI messages

Option 2:
Creating or acquiring an EDI conversion tool to convert standard messages into your customised format prior to ingestion. This is potentially a complex change that will require specialist knowledge of EDI messages. 

You should let your Engagement Partner know immediately if your organisation is not going to be able to enact one of these options by the end of Mar 2024, in time for market self-testing.

Market Gateway (ASG Adept) / URL changes

Understand and document your current situation to then allow you to define your future state

  • Using the EDI message catalogue created above, identify how all data is collected and submitted currently via EDI, Writeback, CWT and DRI.
  • Understand where the connection and authentication configuration is and how to change it.
  • Identify the downstream data flows in order to validate that they are not impacted by the gateway changes.

Make the changes needed to be ready for market self-testing

  • Reconfigure your internal systems to be able to connect to the new end-point URL.

Portal and applications decommissioning and IPOS and ICOS go-live

Understand and document your current situation to then allow you to define your future state

  • Match the list of no longer available portals to the teams that use them. Remember to include internal and external teams, e.g., BPO providers, third-party administrators and delegated claims authorities.
  • Document the current business processes, IT systems used, and the data flows around each of these.
  • Map the new processes. If you’re looking to adopt phase two, be mindful of considering longer-term target processes and commonalities and efficiencies that you can gain.
  • Create new work guides for all internal and external teams.

Make the changes needed to be ready for market self-testing

  • Complete training needs analysis and identify the target audiences
  • Assign resources and complete portal and process training
  • Arrange internal demos of the new portals and functionality to the affected teams – detail on these demos is to be confirmed.
  • Get new credentials for the new portals.


Understand and document your current situation to then allow you to define your future state

  • Review the list of reports once published and check which ones of them you receive by email today.
  • The reports will continue to exist but will require a change to ways of working, as they will require self-service extraction from Qliksense.
  • Understand current business processes and data flows.

Make the changes needed to be ready for market self-testing

  • Assign resources and train them on the process to extract the necessary reports by self-service in Qliksense and feed them to the right processes and systems downstream.
  • Consider how many resources you will need and what departments they will need to be part of.

Direct settlement

Understand and document your current situation to then allow you to define your future state

  • Direct Settlement is a new method of settlement for both premiums and claims that will be introduced in phase one. When used for claims, Direct Settlement will allow market participants to pay anyone involved in the claims process, including experts and third-party fee collectors.

Make the changes needed to be ready for market self-testing

  • Consider if you would like to adopt Direct Settlement and when.
  • Once detail is released about onboarding, get in touch with Velonetic or your Engagement Partner to organise onboarding and training.
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