CWT, WB, and DRI information

Managing claims through system interfaces

1 May 2024

Update on parallel UCRs

Following consultation with market associations and technical working groups, specifically discussing parallel UCRs and the impact of removing these, Velonetic have agreed that for phase one all external interfaces and messages (including Write Back and EDIs) will retain parallel UCR (P-UCR) references and functionality as per today.  
This means: 

  • Write Back messages, P-UCR references and associated original UCRs will continue to be supplied in their current format 

  • EDI messages will continue to use P-UCRs as per today, including BSM in their current format 

  • Each UCR and each P-UCR will continue to be separate and have its own sequencing as per today, and will need to be responded in the same transaction sequencing as per today

  • Reachback will be consistent; P-UCRs will be associated with the original UCR both in the data databases and user interfaces this will then flow through to messaging 

  • Central Settlement payment options and referencing will remain as today 

  • Reserving will be maintained as per today with fees being able to be added and updated by Experts

    In addition, an Expert profile will be created for organisations with a Central Settlement Number (CSN) and this profile will be separate and different to the broker profile, but it will remain a ‘broker role’ in the Write Back message (retaining a broker-initiated actor code). This maintains document and data security and enables only authorised users to see relevant information, while allowing downstream processing to remain as per today. 
    Carriers will be able to view each UCR (parallel and original) in the ICOS portal with the ability to aggregate the view at a UCR level.

21 May 2024

On 21 May, Velonetic published an update to the Digital Processing Services Connection Guide, to include an IP address for whitelisting and an amended market group reference.

Digital Processing Services Connection Guide, 21 May 2024

Please contact your Blueprint Two engagement partner if you have any queries.

Claims Workflow Triggers (CWT) 

CWT functionality already exists today. It provides a mechanism for carriers to manage claims in their own workflow system by receiving notifications from DXC systems on a frequent basis.

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Write Back (WB) and Document Repository Interface (DRI)

WB functionality already exists in ICOS version 1.0. It provides a mechanism for carriers to manage claims by talking directly to ICOS via an API gateway, and also to receive messages about claims throughout the claims lifecycle, including settlement of claims.

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Write Back Project Part A - Overall Download
Write Back Project Part B - Claim Notify Download
Write Back Project Part C - Retrieve Claim Download
Write Back Project Part D - DRI Search Download
Write Back Project Part E - DRI Download Download
Write Back Project Part F - Claims Response Download
Write Back Project Part G - DRI Upload for Carriers Download
Write Back Claim Notify Interface Specification Download
Write Back Claim Respond Interface Specification Download
Write Back Retrieve Claim Data Interface Specification Download