Velonetic learning platform now live!

Velonetic learning platform for digital processing services training goes live on 1 March 2024

On Friday 1 March 2024, we launched our new learning platform to support the adoption and implementation of phase one digital processing services (DPS) for the Lloyd’s and Company markets. 

The first module, ‘User Administration’, is now available, and will instruct designated DPS User Administrators on four key areas: 

  1. Accessing the ‘Parties’ application to enable user administration.

  2. Providing access to DPS systems for new users within your organisation.

  3. Editing user profiles and managing access to digital processing services.

  4. Removing user access. 

In our Market Communications with customers, we have shared the details of virtual drop-in sessions taking place on Monday 4, Tuesday 5, and Wednesday 6 March, including links to the booking system. 

Further training modules and user guides will become available over the coming months and details will be shared in market communications and on the Training pageof our website. 

As shared at the recent Blueprint Two market event on Monday 26 February 2024 (please see the slides), we will be providing: 

  • User Manuals: Documents that are designed to inform end users how the systems support our services. 

  • Self-paced eLearning modules: Designed to allow learners to progress through the material at their own pace and on their own schedule via our new learning platform. 

  • Instructor led: Instructor led face-to-face tutorials method where course content and learning material are taught to a group of people either in person or virtually. 

Please contact [email protected] if you have any queries.